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Nook Review

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I know it’s been a year since this product came out, but it’s one I have been using for a while.  The Nook is Barnes & Nobel’s entry into the ereader arena, and they came out with guns blazing.  They have improved and upgraded the device over the past year, and even come out with a sequal: the Nook Color.  The electronic reader market has become a little crowded during this past year; is the Nook, one of the first big name ereaders, still a contender, or has it fallen by the wayside?  Read on to find out.


connection to the online store


Much like it’s main competitor, the Amazon Kindle, the Nook has a ebook store built into the device.  I have always loved the Barnes & Nobel brick-and-mortar stores, and for no other reason than brand loyalty, I chose to buy the Nook over the Kindle a year ago.  I have not been disappointed in the slightest.

One of my favorite features is every Friday, B&N offers a free ebook for download on the Nook.  I have downloaded several good books through their offer, and some of those have become among my favorite reading so far.  Included in that list is His Majesty’s Dragon by Naomi Novik and Stories Behind the Best-Loved Songs of Christmas by Ace Collins (the current free ebook).

  • The Nook store has several other notable features, such as:
  • Coupons displayed while in a Barnes & Nobel store
  • Suggest reading based on what books you currently have
  • A Read-in-store feature, where you can read a book in its entirety while in a Barnes & Nobel store
  • And many others you can check out here.

e-ink screen


This was at one point the defining feature of ebook readers, but several companies have begun making LCD readers, including Barnes & Nobel itself.  An e-ink display has many advantages.  First, it lowers eyestrain; I have never gotten sore eyes while reading my Nook, unlike when I’m using my computer for more than a few hours at a time.  Secondly, e-ink kills LCD technology when it comes to battery life.  When in Airplane mode, I can leave and have left my Nook unplugged for more than a week and not needed to charge it.  That’s with fairly constant use.

second screen


One of the main features the Nook offers that most other ereaders do not have is a second, smaller LCD touch screen.  Now, you may be thinking, “You just raved about how e-ink is better; why is this LCD an advantage?” Several reasons, first: the second screen acts as the navigation screen.  You switch between the current book and another there, between your library and the store there, you can navigate to the games (yes, games!) there, you type your notes there.  It is an all-purpose area, which I find pretty intuitive.


I know the Kindle also offers this, but I think the syncing feature at least is worth a mention.  You can download Nook software for your PC, Mac, iPod or iPhone, iPad, and Android phones.  Your Nook syncs with whatever various Nook software you may have.  I could be reading my Nook in the library, pull out my laptop at home and keep going where I left off, and finish up in bed on my iPod.  It’s all seamless and automatic.


The last pro I’ll list is how frequently B&N updates the software on this thing.  It was really good when it first came out, and has just gotten better.  The updates have included a web browser, a couple of games (sudoku and chess), and many performance updates.  They have been vary proactive in upgrading their device, and I don’t think they’re going to slow down anytime soon.


But alas, there are a few downsides to this device that you must be aware of:

no keyboard

This is my number one complaint.  The LCD screen is great, but the on-screen keyboard is very difficult [read: downright impossible at times] to work with.  It’s fine for typing in a book or author you’re searching for, but you really notice how bad it is when writing a note.  I have yet to write a single note in a book that didn’t require me to go back and correct some typo.  There a sever lag between typing and seeing your letters appear on-screen, so I’m often three or four words down by the time I realize I made a mistake.  It’s not a deal-breaker, but this is where they could stand some major improvement.


My second complain is speed.  The page turns used to be atrociously slow, but through their updates, this is no longer an issue;  I’m primarily talking about the LCD touch screen.  I know I just listed this as a pro, but here me out.  The menu design, I think, is wonderful.  I never have to wonder about how to get to a certain setting or anything like that.  The screen, however, is still a bit buggy.  In the main screen, I often have to swipe several time for it to register that I wanted it to move over.  I often have to hit a button two or three times for it to register.  Sometimes may tap does register, but the screen took a second to switch to the next menu, so I end up tapping a second button I didn’t mean to.  It’s not horrible, but it is still pretty bad.


In spite of these two buggy issues, I would definitely recommend the Nook to anyone who reads any amount whatsoever.  I didn’t cover every feature the Nook has, but these are some of my pros and cons.  The Nook now is offered as Wi-Fi only ($149) or with 3G ($199).  I recommend the 3G, as it allows you to access the online store anywhere you can get a cell signal, and there’s no price on the cell use.

By all means, research the offerings out there, but since you asked my opinion, I say go for the Nook.

Written by jmichaelharper

December 8, 2010 at 4:36 pm

Posted in Review

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RockMelt – The Social Browser

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RockMelt is a new browser that heavily integrates the social media of our day.  So much so, that you need a Facebook account merely to use the browser.  Now, you may be think as I did when I first heard about RockMelt, “Why integrate it directly into the browser?  I can reach Facebook and Twitter easily enough in my bookmarks.”  I’ve discovered there are key advantages in taking their approach, but they come at a slight cost.  Do the pros outweigh the cons?  Discover below, as you peruse through my in-depth review of this intriguing new browser.


This is what I love about RockMelt.

Facebook integration

This is arguably the key distinction of RockMelt against other browsers.  When you load up RockMelt on a new computer, it makes you log into Facebook before it even opens.  What this allows is seemless integration through the entire browser, making surfing the web a much more social experience

The Friend Bar

On the left is a “Friend Bar.”  It can show either all your friend, with those online listed first, or show only those marked as favorites.  When you hover over someone’s profile picture, their current status is shown, and when you click on their picture, a chat window opens to allow you to chat with them, send them a message, or mark them as a favorite.

I personally love this feature.  It’s great to know who’s online, and I can chat with anyone I want while doing something else on the web (like writing this post).  It’s nice and out of the way, but easily accessible whenever you need it.

Feeds bar

On the right is a bar of your feeds.  Automatically included is a one-click stop to most recent News Feed and a button to see your Notifications.  These are the two most used features in Facebook (at least for me).  While researching for an article, or reading a blog, I automatically see if there’s something new (via a ticker number on the icon), and can see what my friends’ latest statuses our without ever leaving what I was doing before.

Another great plus about the feeds bar is you can add whatever feeds you want.  An obvious one for Twitter users is a Twitter update, but anything that has an RSS feed can be placed there.  The one downside is there is no Google Reader sync available at this time, but hopefully that’s coming.

Additions to the Top

The RockMelt programmers added two key buttons to the top bar of the Chrome interface: a status updater and a “Share” button.

The former is pretty straight forward: you click on it to update your status.  What’s a nice bonus is you can also tweet from that same button.  Lovely integration across your multiple social platforms.

In Between the address bar and the search bar, is a Share button.  If you are reading an interesting article, just click the button to share it with all your friends.  Again, this works for both Facebook and Twitter, and you can add whatever message you want to the post before you send it.  This is a nice time-saving feature as you don’t have to go into a separate tab for Facebook if you want to post something.  You can even drag a photo up there to share that; it’s not limited to just websites.

Sync across different computers

One of the key features I’ve enjoyed most, but haven’t seen publized much, is RockMelt’s automatic syncing between computers.  I currently have a Mac at home, and I use a Dell Inspiron mini on the go.  RockMelt is installed on both.  I discovered, to my wonderful joy, that when I spent 20 minutes organizing my bookmarks at home, they were automatically there, nice and neat along the top of the browser window, when I opened up the netbook.  As far as I can tell, it also syncs my history and searches.  All the feeds on the right are automatically updated as well.

Now, I know other browsers (such as Firefox) have this feature, as well as some of the others through addons, but you have to jump through hoops to get them.  In RockMelt, thanks to linking itself inseparably to your Facebook log-in, it is all automatic.


Now to the cons.  There are very few downsides that I have found, but there are some issues worth mentioning:


This isn’t a big deal, as the restriction will be lifted soon, but RockMelt is in an invite-only beta as of the writing of this post.  I personally have 7 invites left I can throw out to those who want one, but no guarantee I’ll have those for long.  You can also ask for an invite on RockMelt’s website, but I waited for over a week to get mine when I asked for it.
Though it is still my browser-of-choice on both computers, it seems to run a bit slowly on the Inspiron Mini.  With that said, it suffers no lag on the Mac.  Just beware a little bit if your primary computer is a Netbook.

Screen real estate

This is my number one complaint: my Netbook’s screen is already suffering from a small screen complex, and this browser unfortunately makes that space even smaller.  Before I was used to Firefox’s full screen view, which effectively left the screen wide open for just the web.  RockMelt does have a “full-screen” view, but it seems a little gimpy as you can’t even access the address or search bars while in this view.  My suggestion would be to allow the side bars to hide in full-screen mode, and appear when I hover over the side of the screen.


I love this browser.  I have been using RockMelt pretty much solely for the past two weeks, and it has instantly become my favorite way to search the web.  The continuous connection to my social networks and favorite blogs is great.  It is all so seamless, and I don’t think I’ll be running back to Firefox any time soon.

Written by jmichaelharper

December 7, 2010 at 4:50 pm